I'm your velvet Elefant so sell your suit and tie and come and live with me / in Berlin.



Imagine places could talk and tell us all what they've witnessed throughout the years. It's true we need walls mainly to protect us and keep our secrets rather than spread more gossip, but there are places I would like to hear anyway.

Plné nosy plné prachu (preventivně proti pachu?) a plné hlavy
plné strachu (preventivně, 
abychom se náhodou nepustili do života). 

Sometimes we want to hide from ourselves — we do not want to be us — it is too difficult to be us. It is at these times that we turn to drugs or alcohol or behavior to help us forget that we are ourselves. This of course is only a temporary solution to a problem which is going to keep returning, and sometimes these temporary solutions are worse for us than the original problem. Yes, it is a dilemma. Is there an answer? Of course there is: as a wise person said with a smile: The answer is within the question.

The Log Lady knows better. 


So I found out there is a 2011 David Lynch album and a 2009 Flaming Lips (double!) album, both of which I somehow managed to be unaware of until now, and both of which feature Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Shame on me I didn't know ages ago, but it is a great thing to find out after all. 

The past already happened and the future might not be happening at all, keep that in mind now, now, now.

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